I truly believe we are living in the End Times. This became even more apparent to me when I heard a sermon by Pastor John Hagee, senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. Here is the youtube version of his sermon Four Blood Moons:

Here is also an enlightening, though disturbing video by Rev. Michelle Hopkins from her youtube channel:

Revmichelle makes it her mission to keep an eye on what’s going on here on earth and has many videos posted on her channel.

Christ‘s return for the Church is closer than ever. If you find this hard to believe, you are being deceived and not even aware of it.

If you haven’t accepted Christ, I urge you to do so! The signs are all around us…open your heart and receive him Today!

This is just a simple prayer you can pray for yourself, or you can use your own words, but it must come from the heart. God is always reaching out to the lost and wants you to come home to Him! Christ paid the insurmountable debt for our sins, past, present AND future! Accept His gift of salvation through His death and resurrection now.

the sinners prayer


Start reading the Bible, the Gospel of John is a good place to start,or, if you wish to start from the beginning, that is ok. But reading the Gospel books can help understand better the new covenant Christ brought to the world through His death and resurrection.  And pray everyday, God wants to hear from you! And ask Him to help you find the right church for you.  If you prayed this prayer (or one similar), welcome to the Family of God! He loves you and I do too!

Image credit: Simplicityinthegosepl.com